<p>Day 2 Box Office Collection for Bramayugam: On February 15, 2024, Mammootty’s “Bramayugam” debuted in theatres. At the box office, the spine-tingling horror movie brought in Rs 3.1 crore its first weekend. The movie had a strong opening day at the box office and kept up its good performance even on day two. According to industry tracker Sacnilk, the movie has made Rs 5.6 crore at the box office so far. After opening with Rs 3.1 crore, Bramayugam made Rs 2.5 crore on its second day at the box office. The Malayalam movie had the greatest attendance during the nighttime showing, with 72.65 percent occupancy. Following that, 51 percent of the seats were taken by attendees for evening shows, while 36.83 and 26.92 percent of seats were taken by attendees for morning and afternoon acts, respectively.</p>
<p><img decoding=”async” class=”alignnone wp-image-417313″ src=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/theindiaprint.com-day-2-box-office-collection-for-bramayugam-mammoottys-horror-film-continues-to-piq.jpg” alt=”theindiaprint.com day 2 box office collection for bramayugam mammoottys horror film continues to piq” width=”1538″ height=”1037″ title=”Day 2 Box Office Collection for Bramayugam: Mammootty's Horror Film Continues to Pique Audience Interest and Brings in Rs. 5 Crore Thus Far – Review Analysis 3″ srcset=”https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/theindiaprint.com-day-2-box-office-collection-for-bramayugam-mammoottys-horror-film-continues-to-piq.jpg 700w, https://www.theindiaprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/theindiaprint.com-day-2-box-office-collection-for-bramayugam-mammoottys-horror-film-continues-to-piq-150×101.jpg 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 1538px) 100vw, 1538px” /></p>
<p>Hollywood Films’ 2024 Releases and Their Earnings at the Box Office<br />
Abraham Ozler (January 11): 21 crore rupees<br />
On January 25, Malaikottai Vaaliban: Rs 14 crore<br />
Premalu: Rs 12.59 crore on February 9th<br />
Anweshippin Kandethum: Rs 7 crore on February 9th<br />
Bramayugam is doing significantly better than Mammootty’s most recent release, the well-received film Kaathal: The Core. On the second day, Kaathal brought in Rs 1.25 crore for the uninitiated. The film, which stars Sidharth Bharathan and other well-known actors like Arjun Ashokan in major roles, has garnered favourable reviews from reviewers since its release, which may contribute to its weekend box office earnings. It is noteworthy that Bramayugam is exclusively accessible in Malayalam.</p>
<p>In an interview held in the United Arab Emirates, Mammootty gave an explanation for the decision to shoot the movie in black and white. He used the 2011 Oscar winner “The Artist” as an example, stating, “It takes place in a time before film was invented. This movie is a good place to start experimenting with black and white cinema, as the younger generation may not have seen as many black and white films. I’m not arguing that films in black and white are extinct.</p>
<p>The movie will be tested throughout its initial weekend of release to determine whether the buzz lasts until the first Monday after its release. The black-and-white period horror of director Rahul Sadasivan is another factor driving the excitement around Bramayugam. As long as it continues to draw in viewers and gain momentum, the film is poised for an exciting and prosperous run at the box office. Good word-of-mouth and Bramayugam’s capacity to capture the interest of viewers point to a long and successful career in the film business. Bramayugam’s success is vividly shown by the statistics, and fans are eager to witness how this epic cinematic drama unfolds in the days ahead.</p>